So tonight was Tue Semi-Competitive League again and the weather was just perfect. 90's during the day, but cooling down nicely by 6:15 games. I thought I would post some more pictures of the ultra-lush fields. The Kings of Norway (yes, we do know that Hamlet is the prince of makes it funnier) won again on a universe point after Pray for Mojo made a steady comeback as the sun set. It is quite nice having lit fields, I have to say. The team played well together - we are gelling very well and it's a super-fun group to play with. Tonight, I made my 1st 2 scores in Denver! W00t! Would have had a 3rd on a direction-changing layout, but couldn't quite get my fingers around the disc. Also almost had a great D in the endzone, but just missed the disc by a hair. D'oh! Please keep in mind that I'm probably one of the less talented people on the team so there were just some fantastic plays. And, in the spirit of the team, I have bought my first orange top perhaps ever. So I'll look sickly as I play. Lovely.