This week's fun weekend activity was a road trip to WI to visit some dear friends and their amazing kids. This called for some take along treats. Because we were going to be gone for the weekend, this also meant that I was going to miss ultimate. No matter - I needed to make arrangements for some packages to be brought into the house while I was gone and that was going to allow for some sideline treats to be delivered via proxy. More on that later.
Maple star anise cookies, round 2 |
To start, I had to figure out what to bring. I really wanted to make those maple star anise cookies again since they were such a hit and I knew that Larry liked licorice-flavored things. It also helped finish off the rest of the ground star anise that I had leftover from the initial test batch. The recipe was definitely best with the freshly ground star anise, but still delightful. Everyone enjoyed them, and I even caught at least one of the kids sneaking one behind their parents' back. It makes me so please when people like something enough to get seconds!
Cardamom tahini shortbreads...RIP |
The other cookie that I decided to make was another interesting recipe from the folks at Bake from Scratch. Specifically, the cardamom-tahini-pistachio shortbread cookies. Things started out rather inauspiciously with a huge spill of a bunch of sesame oil all over myself. After a quick blot, things got back on track and I puttered along. That is, until the part of the recipe where it called for mixing the cookie dough for TEN MINUTES. What tom-foolery is this, I thought. But the recipe provided additional explanation about gluten etc etc which put me more at ease. I decided to let the mixer go for the allotted time - I had some clothes to pre-treat and put in the wash, after all. The end results were delicious. I was a bit lazy with my measurements when scoring so the cookies were not exactly uniform, but overall they were great.
So, the plan was for some other friends to come over and pick up a portion of the shortbreads for the ultimate team, as well as to take care of the aforementioned deliveries. I wrapped up a bunch of them in a container, and set them out on the counter. Off we went on our road trip with nary a care. On Friday evening, I received a text informing me that the packages were inside. Hooray! And then the bad news - cookie casualties. It turns out that the cookie container was accidentally left on the roof of the car and then, when they turned around to try and retrieve the lost cookies, they had already been run over. Oh the humanity! Sounds like the team got a good laugh out of it, as well as consolation brownies. No matter - I want to try this recipe again, perhaps with some modifications....
Honey Moley Donuts in MKE |