Week 38: One last summer hurrah

Too-hot-to-cook caprese salad
Despite the fact that it was almost the first day of Fall, week 38 brought us a heat wave. A legitimate heat indices in the 90's and super duper sticky type of heat wave. The kind that makes a trip to the mall for climate controlled comfort seem like a good idea. Good thing there's a lovely honey shop there to poke around in. The kind of heat wave that means it's too hot to cook indoors, and definitely too hot to turn on the oven. But I couldn't skip another week of the baking project, especially with another ultimate game to bring treats to.

I decided to embrace the summer-like temperatures and make a fruit-filled cake. I also got a new cookbook (shocker, right?). But seriously, I discovered the world of Bake From Scratch and the recipes are really terrific. Broke in the new tome by making the jam-filled surprise cake and was able to use up a bit more of the black raspberry jam for the filling. This, too, was designed to resemble a jelly-filled donut and it did not disappoint. One pesky crack developed on the top, but it was easily filled in with the cinnamon sugar with no one the wiser. That cookbook's a keeper and now I have to seriously consider getting the second one when it comes out! Guess I better make some more room on the cookbook shelves.....
Surprise cake....

...filled with black raspberry jam!
