
So I have taken the road bike out a couple times this week for trips to class and back. I think I mentioned that before. Yesterday, I managed to increase my minimum climb velocity on the way home to 11.5 mph, up from the pretty pathetic 9 mph Monday. Sweet! I also got some bike maps for the city from and I got those today. They included a pretty sweet sticker that I will have to find a place for. It's actually a nice red color, not orange.
Additionally, I just finished up the first week of classes. This full-time student thing is going to take some re-adjusting. Thankfully, there are a couple people in a similar situation as myself in my class so I don't feel quite so lost at sea. Tonight, the 2cd years in the program are having a Back to School party which should be fun - I made another batch of lemon bars for it. Figured I'd stick with something I knew would turn out, though I may have made them extra-tart again. Oh well.
I also made a batch of bread salad with heirloom tomatoes cucumbers etc for dinner Wednesday as well as a quick strawberry-peach cobbler a la Joy of Cooking. Biscuit dough has too much leavener in it to get much affected at altitude which is pretty nice. Terri got another batch of peaches from the food share program this week and good grief do they look and smell and taste good!

That's all for now I guess. I am moving again this weekend into my new Denver home for at least the rest of the school year.
