Adventures in Altitude
I took a picture of the really lovely fields at Dick Sporting Goods Stadium (the practice/game facility for the CO Rapids), but it might be too dark. They are really really lovely, soft, cushy, unpotholed, unhard, green lush fields. In case the picture doesn't do it justice. I did ok, I think, with the thin air...was able to play 2-3 points in a row at a time. I was feeling the effects on my lungs towards the end of the 2nd half, but nothing too awful. Yes! Plus we won. Double yes! I can't wait for next week's game.
Also, I took the bike out yesterday and rode to class and back. It is about 7 miles each way from T + L's house, and I was flying on my way to class given that the route was pretty much downhill the entire way. Unfortunately, that meant that I had to go home mostly uphill the other way. So 26 mph on the way to class turned into a laborious 9 mph in return. A great workout though, but my legs were jelly for a bit.
So this week I started classes and this weekend I will move into my new place that I'll be sharing with a couple grad students. It will be interesting living with people again. And then next weekend the CO Ultimate Sunday Fall league starts up - pretty much like Spring league in Chicago with individual signups and drafts and all. It's all about the extracurriculars.
Grilled carrot = hot dog? Are you crazy? The altitude just might be getting to you.
I am only passing along food knowledge for all. Vegetarians need to eat too! I'm not advocating the elimination of hot dogs, just presenting an interesting and similarly colored alternative....