MacGyvering up a Panini
For dinner Saturday, Terri had the brilliant idea to put together some yummy sandwiches made of leftover pesto, heirloom tomatoes, roasted eggplant and fresh mozzarella. Then she and Larry decided to try to panini it and we decided that a flat griddle on the stove and a heated cast-iron skillet would suffice. Add in a nice sautee of green beans and fresh picked chanterelles and you've got a lovely summer garden supper! Oh and passion fruit margaritas. Whee!
I also tried my hand at some altitude baking, but started with something fairly safe: the lemon curd bars from The Joy of Cooking. I added a little extra liquid to account for altitude, but other than that, stuck with the recipe. There was a little extra crust on top that I don't remember from before, but nothing a little powdered sugar can't hide. To be fair, I overdid with the lemon juice and didn't add the touch of vanilla like usual, so that could only help things. Sorry the picture is a little washed out.
On a completely unrelated note did you know that if you miss the s in blogspot in your address you get a Mega-Christ site. Pretty interesting.
But definitely still working on the cooking. The peaches here right now are amazing and I am scoping out the farmers' markets. I miss Green City.
Oh and Terri made these vegetarian hot dogs which consisted on carrots peeled, basted with barbeque sauce and grilled till just soft then served on a hot dog bun. Surprisingly tasty, but doesn't quite hold up to a real live bratwurst/polish.