28 Hours and 1000 Miles

Thoughts from a long drive in 1.5 days:

-A late lunch at Domo is good fortification for a trip.
-The best thing about Nebraska may have been entering Iowa and simultaneously finding the Pats game on AM.
-Less radio stations to choose from actually make listening to music easier.
-Nebraska is Native American for "The flat area of land West of the Mississippi and East of the Rockies."
-A car full of stuff (including a crate of binders, a tub of books and a KitchenAid Stand Mixer) will decrease your MPG by about 5.
-When your ass starts to ache, you are only halfway through your trip.
-When your ass starts to hurt, you are only 3/4 through your trip.
-When the driver asks for a butt massage, you better hope to be 98% through your trip.
-Moisture makes the grass green and the trees plentiful, but it also makes the windshield foggy.
-There are a lot of stars in Nebraska and not a lot in Chicago. The sky is actually pink all night.
-Waiting for Sonic is always worth it, but likely to incur vast amounts of brain freeze.
