Went for a hike today with Pickle and a few of David's friends from CT. Took a few trails off at the edge of Boulder in the Flatirons and the hike was probably a 4 miler, likely 1500 ft elevation change, one way. It was a very long day. But also very rewarding. For a pack of guys who had just arrived at altitude the day before, the boys did quite well. Nothing like trial by fire, I guess, and thankfully no altitude sickness. But the Royal Arch is well worth the hike for the view out, for sure. I didn't get too close to the edge of the rocks because of that whole fear of heights thing, but it was cool to see little specks of Denver way out in the distance. Definitely made up for the pizza the night before at BeauJo's. It's called Mountain Pie and it is an awful lot like Chicago deep dish, but with the toppings in the middle and a less cheese on top which is a-ok with me. And some honey to eat with the crust. Mmmm. Between hanging out with friends in Golden on Friday, tourney on Saturday and BeauJo's Sunday, we managed to have pizza 3 days in a row. Too much for me, but at least they were all different style pizzas.
