Sox-Rocks Rocks my Socks
Yes! Yes yes yes yes yes! In case you haven't heard, Boston is coming to town...for the World Series! Thank you Josh Beckett, Curt Schilling, Mike Lowell, Jason Varitek and even you, JD Drew (way to prove The Sports Guy wrong). Dice-K had a decent night last night as well, but I think Beau is right - he doesn't pitch in on the hitters nearly enough and tries to make them chase too much. Manny is still in the doghouse for his antics, though. And it didn't hurt to have Kenny Lofton make up for that grand slam early in the series by making some errors and getting a bad call by the ump over there on second base the other night. He should have been safe.
By now I am sure you have heard of the fiasco that was the online ticket sales for Coors Field. Ridiculous! And how ironic is it that the 5 pm press conference to address the crashing of the servers in the am was delayed due to "technical difficulties"? I still question the fairness of the online ticket sales - one must have access to a computer with internet and good luck if you don't have a high speed connection - but I was also really glad to not be outdoors in line in 20 degree temps this morning. So tomorrow I will try again to get some tickets to see the Red Sox in action up here. Should be a good series, yeah?
So we got a huge snowstorm Saturday night-Sunday morning. Freezing rain after the ballgame Saturday which kept coming down and then turned into a few inches of snow with lots and lots of wind. The wind has been killing my rides lately - 20-40 mph winds really blow you around on the road and make things slow going! Anyhow, games got cancelled Sunday again (BOO!) understandably, but I took a walk Sunday pm and it was sunny and all that snow was melted. Still windy though (perhaps time for some uber-zone?). The only real remnant of that storm is that snowman in that blurry picture i took from outside my window. He'll be gone tomorrow for sure.
I was really glad that my car broke down (multifactorially) Saturday when it was 70's and sunny so I could sit on the grass and wait for a tow comfortably, that's for sure. And who would have thought that the service department at the Honda dealership would be the one place open till 5 pm on a Saturday? At least they had all the parts for the 3 things wrong with my car. I need to name it, by the way and I will take suggestions. It's a 91 Honda Accord, 5-speed and bronze. The blue 89 Accord I had in Chicago was named Lloyd (a la Say Anything). So submit your suggestions please!
One final note to bring things full circle. I managed to find a good Red Sox/Patriots bar here in Denver - The Elm. Menu items include the Fenway Monstah. Awww yeah. In fact, I have definitely met more Red Sox fans out here in a month or so than I did in Chicago over the course of several years. Now I know the argument is that it's fashionable to like the Sox now, but wasn't it fashionable in, say, the 2004-ish period as well? Whatever it is, I like it. And mad props to Tommy for what will hopefully be a record-setting NFL season. Week 9, baby: it's on.
Oh, the Kings of Norway are 2cd for the season (tied for 1st, 2cd because of spirit points) and managed to win in the quarterfinals last week 13-6 after bring down 4-6 at the half (and playing 5-2 savage). Semis and (hopefully) finals tomorrow night and we get back lots of our wayward men. Go orange! ("Go Banana!")
By now I am sure you have heard of the fiasco that was the online ticket sales for Coors Field. Ridiculous! And how ironic is it that the 5 pm press conference to address the crashing of the servers in the am was delayed due to "technical difficulties"? I still question the fairness of the online ticket sales - one must have access to a computer with internet and good luck if you don't have a high speed connection - but I was also really glad to not be outdoors in line in 20 degree temps this morning. So tomorrow I will try again to get some tickets to see the Red Sox in action up here. Should be a good series, yeah?

I was really glad that my car broke down (multifactorially) Saturday when it was 70's and sunny so I could sit on the grass and wait for a tow comfortably, that's for sure. And who would have thought that the service department at the Honda dealership would be the one place open till 5 pm on a Saturday? At least they had all the parts for the 3 things wrong with my car. I need to name it, by the way and I will take suggestions. It's a 91 Honda Accord, 5-speed and bronze. The blue 89 Accord I had in Chicago was named Lloyd (a la Say Anything). So submit your suggestions please!
One final note to bring things full circle. I managed to find a good Red Sox/Patriots bar here in Denver - The Elm. Menu items include the Fenway Monstah. Awww yeah. In fact, I have definitely met more Red Sox fans out here in a month or so than I did in Chicago over the course of several years. Now I know the argument is that it's fashionable to like the Sox now, but wasn't it fashionable in, say, the 2004-ish period as well? Whatever it is, I like it. And mad props to Tommy for what will hopefully be a record-setting NFL season. Week 9, baby: it's on.
Oh, the Kings of Norway are 2cd for the season (tied for 1st, 2cd because of spirit points) and managed to win in the quarterfinals last week 13-6 after bring down 4-6 at the half (and playing 5-2 savage). Semis and (hopefully) finals tomorrow night and we get back lots of our wayward men. Go orange! ("Go Banana!")