"Schnitzel-Suckin' Globbenheimer"

I love The Simpsons.
So I have a midterm tomorrow which means I will make this quick:
I've been noticing on my rides to/from class that a. there are a lot of bike lanes in this town; b. I stare down at the road an awful lot (keeping an eye on the traffic ahead, of course, as well as my computer - need for speed, baby!); and c. the weather is somewhat uncooperative on Mondays. The first two facts lead me to my current favorite quirky thing about Denver - the bike lane markers. Some cities use diamond markers to indicate bike lanes; here they use bikers. Well, biker symbols/icons painted onto the pavement within the lanes. The other day I realized that sometimes said biker has a helmet on, other times he (no hair = male?) does not. The change is random at best and I find it amusing that on the busier roads, helmets appear to be optional. But wait, there's more! I also noticed that on another part of my route, said helmetless biker dude grows what can only be described as a Zach Morris (Saved by the Bell) hairdo. You know what I'm talking about - a preppy "mohawk." So amusing! So I have identified the following bike lane mascots: No helmet biker riding aggro out of the saddle; Helmeted biker comfortably recumbent in the seat; Spikey haired biker also riding out of the saddle. If I had to choose one that best symbolized me, it would probably be the latter. Perhaps they can make a pigtailed girl biker to fill my bike lane identification needs? I'll try and remember to bring a camera with me sometime to get some pics.
And point number 3: don't get me started on the weather. Well, all the sunshine is nice and the wind makes for more interesting and challenging rides, but I have been butting heads with some awful riding weather the last few Mondays. Huge cloudburst after class last Monday that lasted from leaving campus all the way till a little after I pulled into the garage. If class hadn't gotten out early, I would've been fine. And this Monday I ran into a hailstorm about 3 blocks out of campus. I managed to take the only route in Denver to go directly through the hail (one of my classmates didn't get a drop of rain let alone ice on her way home!) and again it was sunny outside by the time I'd gotten inside and stripped off my slushy wet gear. 5 miles being pelted is really not so fun, but the worst part was the water sloshing in my shoes and running in my eyes. I was feeling pretty hardcore what with my little red welts and all. Then I watched Man vs Wild and Dirty Jobs and I didn't feel that hardcore anymore. Ah well. That Mike Rowe is a pretty cool guy.
Second best line from tonight's Simpsons: "Time to take out the Euro-trash!"


Anonymous said…
Did you catch the Man v. Wild Marathon this weekend? Awesome, saw the Iceland one again...good times.

Something dreamy about slicing your own free range lamb (don't forget the eyeball for important vitemans) and cooking it in a boiling thermal pool.

Funny the things you notice while on a bike. I like finding interesting grafitti/murals.
Cathy said…
Ummm, yes I did! Cleaned up for a party Saturday and cleaned up after the party Sunday (and nursing a monster hangover). I saw that Scotland one again as well as the Iceland one. Oh and the part where he jumps into quicksand to show us all how to get out in less than 3 days and not covered in bug bites.