Prelude to a Truck

So today I am officially on my way up (down?) to Denver from Chicago. It has been a pretty interesting day (and exhausting) and I am chilling with some free WiFi at the Ramada just outside of Des Moines. I'd hoped to be in Omaha by now, but sometimes life doesn't quite work out as scheduled.
Let's back up.
I had quite the weekend of enjoying Chicago one last time before I departed and the activities only served to aid in procrastination of packing. I hate packing. Don't get me wrong: I'm quite good at it, I just don't like it.
At any rate, Friday I visited with Megan and Marty with Eric and Ariel and we had pizza and I had Patron coffee liquor (mmmmm!) and we watched tapes of Eric on the Discovery Channel and Carla on PubAc. It's amazing, but I always manage to get tipsy oh about 15 minutes after arriving at M + M's. I vaguely recall mentioning that I had a tourney to get to on Saturday and laying on the floor.
Saturday was tourney - a beautifully sunny 90+ and humid day out at the Naperville with no thunderstorms. I rode with Rick and Lisa both ways and watched some of the finals. My team didn't do so great, but we had lots of fun including a silent sideline iPod dance party with Yaya and I made my (now signature?) mojitos. Oh yes, there was also a greatest in the A pool finals. Sweet! After we got back, I basically showered and then proceeded to crash a dinner party in Lakeview with Mike and Wai Gen which was actually pretty fun and (theme of the weekend) drank too much.
Sunday morning, I rode down to Grant Park (training my biking legs!) and played a little pickup before heading home and taking an inadvertent nap before dinner at Weber Grill with Joe H., Rob and Beth. Thanks guys! There was a lot of grilled meat. Though I didn't think that the french fries were nearly as ethereal as others have made them out to be. The whipped sweet potatoes are another story. Then kitty-corner to Rock Bottom to meet up with as many people as possible for 1 last beer-consuming hurray. Lots of folks showed up which was nice and too much beer (4?) was had which meant I was once again unsober. Lots of talk of Rick's ass, ovarian hops and other jokes I have forgotten for now. It was a nice night to drink outside!
You would think that was all, wouldn't you? Oh no. Monday, I packed some in the afternoon after a time-consuming trip to the 'burbs and an awful trip to the dentist. Then rode downtown for a quickie pickup stop and then over to R + B's for dinner. Rob made yummy salmon that was fresh caught Saturday as well as some balsamic purple carrots. Very delicious. And then my liver was perturbed to find out that beer floats were on the menu for dessert. We also discovered that no matter how many bananas Beth puts in her most excellent banana bread, I will still like it and not spit it out. Weird, right?
So that gets us to Tuesday. 1 day to move day. Packing all day with a brief foray into cherry cobbler making to use up the last of the butter and the sour cherries I found in the freezer. Or, as Joe pointed out, just more procrastination. I didn't think the cobbler dough turned out so well - I shouldn't pack and freestyle bake I guess, but Crispin seemed to enjoy it and I sent it home with him.
That just about catches us up, yes?
So Wednesday, move day, was pretty hectic with lots and lots more packing and filling of the UHaul. I must admit that I'm a pretty good truck filler: it's a pity I don't pack trucks for a living! Just think of it like a real life game of Tetris. But having to clean up the condo before I could leave town (what with the showings and all) meant that I didn't hit the road until about 5 pm when the optimal leave time was oh around 2. Oops. That's why I am now in Des Moines rather than the aforementioned Omaha pit stop.
Ok more later with the sights of the road. Get ready for lots of corn and almost as many golden arches! Bleah.


Anonymous said…
Glad to hear that you were sober enough to make it out of town. Too bad about the timeline though.

If you get bored listening to country music you can always listen to the farm reports. Let me know how the pork bellies are doing, looking for some investment ideas.

I hope you make it to CO in time for the tourney - so are you getting any training in?