Here's the cake I made for Ben (from my frisbee team) for his birthday. It was actually pretty cool - chocolate stout cake layered with dulce de leche type frosting and some toasty coconut. And rum. (aka rum-mmmm). Too bad he had to take off before we could all sample, but I made a mini-cake with the scraps the night before; that's perhaps the best perk of making cakes for others!

And here is the newly painted, re-ceilinged bathroom. The color is "blueberry popover." It pretty much looks like the color of blueberry pie filling when you make it with cornstarch. Painting is hard work though: all that taping and edging and brushing. And please, people, do not skip on the priming! I did on the new drywall part and, uh, well, then I had to duct tape off the bubbled paint, sand, prime and repaint. Yikes.