
A saga...
An epic....
An IM conversation about conquering the obstacles before you.

me (11:13:36 AM): !!!!
bro (11:13:42 AM): ]:O
me (11:13:48 AM): did you get my text?
bro (11:13:55 AM): i can't believe you got a wii before me
me (11:14:05 AM): :-D
let me tell you the saga
last week i went to boston for my interview and i stayed with craig
he bought a house in stoughton
he has a wii
i played the wii and i got wii-initis
since then i have been obsessing about a wii.
what makes it worse is that the week before i left we were out shopping and there was an ACTUAL WII at the gamestop but we didn't get it thinking that everyone had them.
bro (11:15:47 AM): oh man
me (11:15:49 AM): friday i am still obsessed with the wii
so i spend 6pm-7:30 pm driving around town to every game-like store to find a wii
the people at the 1st 2 gamestops laughed at me
the guy at circuit city told me to come back sunday b/c they should be getting shipments
the guy at microcenter was like "we did have some, but they are gone"
the people at target and best buy, they also laughed at me
the guy at the final gamestop told me the rumour is they will be getting some in mid-april so call back next week to see if they have a firm date
i am tired.
sunday morning rolls around and i want to be at circuit city at 10 am to get a wii
well - i look at the ad online and it is there. "Limited quantities?!? Vouchers 1 hr before the store opens?!?"
i go over at 9:45. vouchers gone. 14 wiis taken and i didn't get a fair chance.
bro (11:18:48 AM): sounds about right
me (11:18:59 AM): then we drive to the other circuit city - there is a line for 14 wiis. we are # 18?
then brilliance! decide to drive north to the burbs - rich kids all have the wii already, right? find the circuit city and check
5-6 wiis in a pile behind customer service
bro (11:19:45 AM): lol awesome
me (11:19:51 AM): but they are voucher tagged
bro (11:19:55 AM): doh!
me (11:20:23 AM): we have to call back at noon b/c if they haven't been picked up, they will be released. go shopping at the international mart and call - wiis all gone
(i should have tackled the little girl leaving the store with a wii!)
try 1 more gamestop and target
no wii.
i spend the rest of sunday with W.A.D. wii affected disorder. life is bleak. try to get one on ebay. nope. try on craigslist - get pissed off b/c people who got wiis that morning are trying to sell them for like $1000
i do find the wii tracker
decide to make the best of it and just try every weekend
this morning, checking email
decide to run the wii-tracker
circuit city 5 miles from my house has it in stock?!!??!? WTF??? FOR SERIOUS?!?
call chris and ask him to call the store and go out there
he says "i am leaving the house! they girl says they have 2!!"
he gets there at 10:05, but there are a lot of people around. he is scared. turns out they are there for the limited edition of happy feet?
anyhow, he gets the 1 and only wii they have
bro (11:24:24 AM): lol
me (11:24:33 AM): apparently, there was a delivery this morning of 1 wii
no one knows why
they should have only gotten the 14 on sunday
but it doesn't matter
me (11:25:03 AM): because now i have a wii
bro (11:25:04 AM): because now you have a wii
me (11:25:15 AM): that's a good story, huh?

This is how good things happen to those who love Wii.
